Use "the law for encouragement of capital investments|the law for encouragement of capital investment" in a sentence

1. Investments, return on investment and ability to raise capital

2. Thanks for the encouragement.

3. access to the capital market for the financing of productive investments

4. Investments, return on investment, cash flow and the ability to raise capital

5. (e) Investments, return on investment, cash flow and the ability to raise capital

6. The backbone of making investment decisions for global holders of capital.

7. The complainant also alleged that Article 15.1 of the same law authorises accelerated depreciation for capital goods.

8. Financial investment services in the field of funds, equities, stocks, commodities, bonds, securities and capital investments

9. Especially in last year, revises of Company Law and Security Law and the promulgation of Interim Regulations on Administration of Venture Capital perfect our legal environment of venture capital.

10. Profitability, cash flow, investments, return on investment and ability to raise capital

11. Under the Mosaic Law, it is a capital offense.

12. Outlets had to be found for the investment of this capital .

13. The National Assembly is currently discussing a draft law on investment and management of state capital in state owned enterprises (SOEs).

14. Profitability, cash flow, investments, return on investment, ability to raise capital, and wages

15. GDP adjusted for income estimate of investment in human capital

16. Profitability, cash flow, return on investment, ability to raise capital, investments and wages

17. Renegade forces captured the capital and declared/imposed martial law.

18. Gross Capital Stock provides a measure of accumulated capital investment.

19. Administration of capital investments in the form of real estate

20. Attempted murder is a capital offense under Zambian law.

21. This conforms the state with a new federal capital gains law.

22. According to the criminal law murder can be a capital offence.

23. Law of net present worth and law of embedded pay rate are two kinds of in capital budget analysis the most important methods.

24. The Yearbook —A Treasury of Encouragement

25. 2008 — Acquisition of the investment company Design Capital.

26. CONFIRMING the Parties’ support and encouragement for the process of trade liberalisation

27. The bill allots $1.25 billion for federal transit capital investment grants

28. Amount of capital requirement for credit institutions, investment firms and financial institutions.

29. Basis is generally the amount of your capital investment in property for tax purposes

30. For example, investments in company stock shares put capital at risk.

31. Investments, return on investments, and ability to raise capital

32. Financial Services: Direct Seed Capital Investment, Acquiring Start - up and Growth Capital Investment.

33. Investments, return on investments and ability to raise capital

34. I am eternally grateful for your encouragement.

35. Investments and ability to raise capital

36. Causerie cheer, shout in excitement or encouragement, shout of excitement or encouragement, hooray, interj

37. Company law: formation of public limited companies, maintenance and alteration of their capital (amend. direct.

38. (e) Investments, return on investments, and ability to raise capital

39. How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement?

40. As a lower middle market private investment firm, Ancor Capital Partners targets companies for leveraged buyout investments that meet the following characteristics: Enterprise value of $25-150 million

41. (e) Investments and ability to raise capital

42. Beef farms had the lowest level of net capital investment.

43. Listed companies are keen on equity capital financing while neglecting debt capital financing, and meanwhile tremendous raised capital remains intact or entrusted for investment.

44. About Bearx The investment seeks capital appreciation

45. 1. Raise the level of investments in human capital development in Africa;

46. • tax incentives for renewable energies, capital cost depreciation allowances for environmental investments, and home retrofits;

47. · Utilities for TGS Peracidox and alkaline Absorptions: +30% capital investment costs;

48. Encouragement is the kennel of human resource management.

49. Under Czech banking law, all banks must meet a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent.

50. The pope sent a telegram of encouragement and support.

51. Return on investments, cash flow, investments and ability to raise capital

52. A child, especially for his first efforts, needs encouragement.

53. Investment advisory services, investment management, investment advice, investment consultation, investment of funds for others, alternative investments for others

54. -Income Tax Relief on new capital investment in the form of Additional Investment Allowance and Higher Additional Depreciation for investment in backward areas of Bihar.

55. How would a parental dividend affect the economic balance between investment in human capital versus investment in tangible capital?

56. VAT paid during the accounting year on the purchase of capital goods (investments

57. VAT paid during the accounting year on the purchase of capital goods (investments).

58. Give plenty of praise and encouragement.

59. The fixed capital investment provides the physical facilities.

60. • The bereaved need sympathy, consolation, encouragement, distraction and opportunity for abreaction.

61. • Encouragement of dialogue to interpret shared values;

62. “If you have any word of encouragement for the people, tell it.” —ACTS 13:15.

63. If you have any word of encouragement for the people, tell it. —Acts 13:15.

64. 4 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.

65. The trade-oriented capitalists of the rising cities provided encouragement and finance for such ventures.

66. Return on investments and ability to raise capital

67. Custodians must comply with the capital requirements and security protocols under the law at the federal …

68. Investment and ability to raise capital

69. Most of the investments in fixed capital (84.8%) were spent on construction works.

70. Profitability, cash flow, investments, return on investments and ability to raise capital

71. The plan is expected to create vast amounts of investment capital.

72. Capital Investments; IM-FA Investissements (n.m.); IM-FA (n.m.) capital lease contrat location-acquisition (n.m.)

73. 23 The effective laws and regulations on foreign investment in the host country (region), such as investment law, company law and tax law.

74. Investment funds provide an established vehicle for accumulating capital throughout working life.

75. (b) To what specific acts of deliverance does the Bible point as a basis for encouragement?

76. Everyone needs a little bit of encouragement.

77. Investment for the year a record £28 million of which approximately a third was in seed capital for digital projects?

78. ◆ What probably prompted Jesus’ encouragement for the apostles to have salt among themselves?

79. Professor Jennifer Goldson is the Senior Staff Attorney and Clinic Supervisor at the Family and Youth Law Center (FYLaw) at Capital University Law School

80. The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.